
“I had some faith in the power of holy objects, but it was mainly based on my faith in Lama Zopa Rinpoche and his word that they have power.  After being on the Relic Tour, my scientific inquiring mind now understands this power based on empirical evidence.

I have seen thousands of people transformed by the presence of these relics. I have felt them transform my own mind….  They emit some sort of transmission that can make a person open to their hearts and to the hearts of others.  I don’t know how, but the relics seem to connect people to the enlightened experience, what we call Buddha’s blessings.

I used to think that the Maitreya statue was a good project because it was a good thing to have a big symbol for peace in the world, but now I understand that the statue itself will make peace in the world because those relics are going to be inside the heart of the statue and they will broadcast that blessing round the world, like a radio broadcasts radio waves.  Peace power.”

—Venerable Paula Chichester, Relic Tour Manager in Africa 2009

A unique and precious collection of more than 1000 sacred Buddhist relics will be permanently displayed in the Heart Shrine of the completed Maitreya Buddha statue in Kushinagar.  Meanwhile, it is the wish of the Spiritual Director of the Maitreya Project, Lama Zopa Rinpoche, that the collection should travel throughout the world to bring the blessings of the relics and the message of loving-kindness to people everywhere.

Most of the relics — those found among the cremation ashes of Buddhist masters — resemble beautiful pearl-like crystals.  Buddhists believe these relics are produced as a result of the master’s spiritual qualities of compassion and wisdom.  Since we can all develop these qualities, the relics are a reminder of our own essential nature of purity and our inner potential to manifest that.

The collection includes relics of the historical Buddha and the Buddha’s closest disciples as well as many other well-known Buddhist masters from different Buddhist traditions.

Visitors often report experiences of inspiration and healing when in the presence of the relics.  While some are inspired to pray for world peace and to develop their inner wisdom, others are overcome by emotion as the powerful effects of the relics open their hearts to compassion and loving-kindness.

“People are deeply moved when they come in contact with the relics…there are so many stories.  This is definitely one method for bringing people to enlightenment.  The relics have incredible benefit for the world…people want them very much…and there is greater and greater benefit now….rel-lama zopa rinpoche

I didn’t know the Relic Tour would be of such great benefit to the world; create such devotion.  Devotion is the source. From devotion you get blessings, from blessings you get realizations, the strength to engage in the path.

The Relic Tour is one way to bring world peace, through people changing their mind.   As His Holiness the Dalai Lama says, ‘outer peace through inner peace.’  So the relics take a very important role in world peace.  That’s the purpose for the Buddha leaving relics.”

— Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Spiritual Director of Maitreya Project and the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).

Lighting Lamps of Loving-kindness Around the World

The purpose of the Relic Tour is to inspire people of all spiritual traditions and paths to come together to experience the blessings of the relics.

Shakyamuni-Buddha-11b-blood-relics-296x300Shakyamuni Buddha Relics Blessing, Mullumbimby, Australia, 2012Blessing, Mullumbimby, Australia

Nagarjuna-01b-ringsel-300x261Nagarjuna Relics

Since the Tour began in March 2001, what has evolved has been truly incredible and very beautiful.  The sheer human response to the relics has been healing and created a resonance of hope rippling around the world.

In each city they visit, the relics are inspiring communities to come together and experience an inter-faith celebration focused on our shared human qualities – love, compassion and the importance of having a ‘good heart’.  By meditating on loving-kindness, peace naturally arises in our hearts and in our surrounding world.

1st-Karmapa-01b-ringsel-300x293First Karmapa Relics Child viewing Relics, San Jose, USA, July 2009Child Viewing Relics, San Jose, CA Marpa-300x225Marpa the Translator Relic

For many years now, Lama Zopa Rinpoche has been collecting relics of the Buddha and other revered Buddhist masters from around the world, and the Relic Tour collection is truly extraordinary.

Many living Buddhist masters from a number of traditions and countries, including Burma, Indonesia, France, Thailand, Tibet, Korea and Taiwan, have offered sacred relics to the collection.  His Holiness the Dalai Lama offered eight relics of Shakyamuni Buddha from his personal collection.

Portland Relic event altar display

“Vicki Walker, 45, has been studying the Dharma [teachings of the Buddha] for nine years.  The names Shakyamuni, Ananda, and Shariputra are familiar to her.  But tonight, they mean something much more. She has tears in her eyes, and she can hardly speak.  There is a gentleness about her.  Her two sons, ages nine and twelve, are also bowed in prayer.  They have just met the relics of the Buddha – the relics of Shakyamuni, Kasyapa and eighteen other great Buddhist masters, that are touring the world, and tonight are visiting the town of Vail, Colorado.

The relics are displayed in tiny stupas in the center of the room, amidst a majestic exhibition of lights, candles, kataks and a graceful Maitreya Buddha statue.  Vicki has returned to her seat, absorbing the significance of the event.

‘I just pray for wisdom and loving-kindness,’ says Vicki.  ‘I want it for myself, for my family and others….’”

— from Mandala magazine, December 2002.

The Relic Tour events are free and everyone is welcome to come and view the relics regardless of his or her spiritual tradition.